

Edd’s Supplies scouting services for Commercial and Seed Corn, Soybeans, Alfalfa and Wheat include:
*Weekly visits to the field
*Written reports delivered weekly
*Scouting for Weeds, Insects, Disease, Nutrient Deficiency and environmental issues
*Written recommendations and plenty of support for problems found
*Scouting done May through August

Recent News

China Could Become Largest Corn Importer, While Soybean Variables Come Into Focus

Bloomberg News reported earlier this week that, “The corn harvest in [China] the world’s top producer after the U.S. is being closely watched as demand for hog and poultry feed expands and state reserves dwindle, pushing local prices to the highest in five years. Purchases from the U.S. and Ukraine already exceed 10 million tons, and they could hit 20 million tons if U.S. prices […]

President Trump Instructs EPA to Deny Retroactive (“Gap-Year”) SRE (Small-Refinery Exemption) Waiver Requests

Reuters writers Stephanie Kelly, Jeff Mason and Jarrett Renshaw reported on Tuesday that, “U.S. President Donald Trump has instructed that dozens of oil refiner requests for retroactive waivers from U.S. biofuel laws be denied amid concerns the issue could cut into his support in the Farm Belt, three sources familiar with the decision said. “The move, in the form of a direction […]

Adding Winter Wheat to a Crop Rotation

As many farmers are getting ready to begin harvest, farmers who grow winter wheat are preparing to plant. There are many reasons why growers have been planting winter wheat in eastern Nebraska. Would you believe that some growers are adding winter wheat to their rotation to improve soil health? Soil health is a fundamental component […]

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