
Semi Load Farm Delivery

Count on us for timely delivery of bulk products by the semi load (dry and liquid). Also, all bulk chemical orders qualify for delivery.

Recent News

Making Corn Silage in Dry Conditions

The primary goal of making corn silage is to preserve as many nutrients in the corn plant as possible, to produce a feed that is acceptable to cows, and to minimize any risks associated with feeding the silage.  The following are important considerations for making corn silage when growing conditions have been dry. Chop at […]

Looking at 2020-21 Corn Consumption

Crop tour estimates and derecho damage brought USDA corn production forecasts for the 2020 crop under question over the last week.  While a lower domestic supply of corn supports corn prices, USDA projections of corn consumption in 2020-21 under current economic conditions seem in the high end of the possibility set. Corn exports showed strength […]

“Fragile” Farm Economic Conditions Persist, as Ethanol Waiver Concerns Remain

Wall Street Journal writer Kirk Maltais reported on Saturday that, “Following a growing season last year filled with battering rainfall and bitter trade wars, U.S. farmers hoped 2020 would provide them an opportunity to make up some ground. Instead, the situation has grown worse for many as prices remain depressed. “Despite a wind storm tearing through Midwestern farms last week and drought conditions in isolated […]

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